
Normalization is a process for evaluating and correcting table structures to minimize data redundancies, thereby reducing the likelihood of data anomalies. Normalization starts by identifying the dependencies of a given relation and progressively breaking up the relation (table) into a set of new relations (tables) based on the identified dependencies.

Normal Forms

  • 0NF 
          Multi-valued attributes exists
  • 1NF
          Any multi-valued attributes (repeating groups) have been removed.
  • 2NF
          Any partial functional dependencies have been removed
  • 3NF
          Any transitive dependencies have been removed
  • BCNF
          Any anomalies resulting from functional dependencies have been removed
  • 4NF
          Any multi valued dependencies have been removed
  • 5NF
          Any remaining anomalies have been removed

The table in 0NF :

  • eliminate the nulls by making sure that each repeating group attribute contains an appropriate data value.
  • identify the primary key
            PO-No ← This is the primary key for PO relation
           (PO-No , PART-No)  ← This is the primary key for PO-PART relation

The tables in 1NF :

  • identify partial functional dependencies. Check whether every non-key attribute is dependent on the whole key(not the part of the key)
          PART-DESC(Part Description) is depended only on PART-No, which is part of the key of 
         PO-PART relation.

The tables in 2NF :

  • identify transitive dependencies. Check whether each non-key attribute is only dependent on the whole key, and not dependent on any non-key attribute.
          SUPP-NAME (Supplier name) is a non-key field depended on another non-key field 
          (SUPP-No)  in  addition to be depended on the key PO-No (purchase order no)

The tables in 3NF :

From the data modeler’s point of view, the objective of normalization is to ensure that all tables are at least in third normal form (3NF). Some very specialized applications, such as statistical research, might require normalization beyond the 4NF.


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