Machine Learning

What is Machine Learning ?

Machine Learning is concerned with design and development of algorithms which allows a computer to improve performance  based on data.

Applications of Machine Learning
  • Gmail - Priority inbox  :A sample of user defined important mails are given and machine should identify new important  mails.   
  • Handwritten digit recognition
  • Generating captions with sentiments.
  • Autonomous robotics
  • bioinformatics
  • Medical diagnosis
  • Stock market analysis

Types of Machine Learning
  • Supervised Learning       : A pair of a training data and a target is given at a time. At each step,                                            machine learns and refine a mapping form
  • Unsupervised Learning   : Only the data is given. Machine learns the structure inherited in data.
  • Reinforcement Learning : Used in game playing.
  • Other Machine Learning Types 
  1.  Active Learning :   When building a model, algorithm may choose which data to come next at                                   runtime.
  2.  Transduction :  When building a model, algorithm is allowed to use the test data.
  3.  Co-training with two different but related data sets
  4.  Estimation with missing variables               

Training Regimes
  • Batch leaning
   All training data and targets are given. The machine learns how to map training data to
   targets which can then be applied to yet unseen data.
  • Online Processing
  A pair of a training data and a target is given at a time. At each step, Machine learns and refines a 
  mapping form which can then be applied to yet unseen data.             


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