Basics of Python

There are two main ways to write and run Python code. You can either:
  • write many lines of code to a file using a text editor and then use the Python interpreter to run the entire file
  • write and run each line of code, one after the other using the Python console

While the console enables us to quickly evaluate short pieces of code, the text editor enables us to save our code as a text file that we can run over and over again

Run the following line of code in the console (notice the omitted print() statement) and see what happens:
Piece of code: 1288+639

Python, and many programming languages, uses the order of operations rules from mathematics to determine the specific priority that expressions have. Here's the ordering:
  • Parentheses
  • Exponent
  • Multiplication or Division
  • Addition or Subtraction
An easy way to remember the order of operations is PEMDAS.

The equals sign (=) is called the assignment operator because it's used to assign the value on the right to the variable name on the left.
    Here, a is the variable.

When naming the variables, there are some rules

  • ·      Variable names cannot contain special characters.
  • ·         Variable names cannot start with numbers.
  • ·         Variable names cannot be one of the Reserved words in Python.
   When you assign a value to a variable, no output is displayed. 
   Try assigning a value to a variable name in the console and see what's displayed.

To display the value associated with a variable, we need to use the print() statement or type the name of the variable and press Enter:

The two most common numerical types in Python are integer and float.
The most common non-numerical type is a string.
To represent a piece of text as a string value, surround the text with either single quotes (') or double quotes (").
Unlike variable names, strings can contain special characters and spaces.

We can look up the data type of a variable's value using the type() function. 

List in python can be used to store multiple values.
To create an empty list, assign a pair of empty brackets [] to a variable:

To add values to a list object, use the list.append() method.

You can instead create a list and populate a values all in one line using the following syntax:

You can organize your code by inserting comments.
These are the two main types of comments you can add to your code:
  • inline comment
  • single-line comment

How to access and work with the values in a list we've created

Fruits = [‘banana’, ‘apple’, ‘orange’]


This is called Zero based Indexing.
You can access banana using the following code:

Python's len() function returns the length of a list, or the number of elements in that list.

Last index= len(Fruit) – 1

Lists have a feature called slicing that allows you to return all of the values between a starting index and an ending index.

To open a file in Python, we use the open() function. This function accepts two different arguments (inputs) in the parentheses.
  • the name of the file (as a string)
  • the mode of working with the file (as a string)
 To open a file named story.txt in read mode
            open("story.txt", "r")

We can assign the File object to a variable so we can refer to it later:
            a = open("story.txt", "r")
            Here a is an object which act as an interface to the file and the methods contained.

 We use the read() function to read the contents of story.txt.
            a = open("story.txt", "r")
In Python, we can use the split() method to turn a string object into a list of strings

      Eg: Open the crime_rates.csv file in read mode and read the content. Content should be split on the delimiter ‘\n’ and slice the values from 0 to 5.Then write a for loop that splits each element in rows on the comma delimiter, and appends the resulting list to a new list named final_data. Then, use the print() function and list slicing to display the first five elements in final_data.

We can actually convert between types using specific functions in Python:
  • int(): convert to integer value
  • float(): convert to float value
  • str(): convert to string value

Eg: conversion of a string value to integer.

If we try to convert a string value that isn't 100% an integer value just represented as a string, we'll get an error:


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